The Top Misconceptions About Botox

The Top Misconceptions About Botox

Botox is a household name, and most people are familiar with it as a cosmetic treatment for lines or wrinkles. However, many people do not know how Botox works and may confuse it with other cosmetic injections. As with many popular treatments, there are urban myths about Botox that may not be true. If you have been hesitant to receive Botox because of something you heard from a friend or read on the internet, it may or not be a fact. Here are some of the top misconceptions about Botox and the truth about this popular cosmetic injection.

Botox Will Freeze Your Face

Botox is a neuromodulator, and it does “paralyze” muscles temporarily. The reason Botox works to reduce dynamic muscles is by blocking the nerve signals that cause them to contract. While Botox will stop certain muscle movements, when injected in the right areas and dosage, you can still express your joy or unhappiness with your face. Overdosing or poor placement can freeze certain muscles, which is why you want a seasoned injector performing your treatments.

Only People Over 40 Use Botox

While the older generations can definitely benefit from Botox, they are certainly not the only people who use Botox. Frown and worry lines occur from decades of facial expressions and many people begin seeing these lines in their twenties or thirties. More and more individuals are using Botox earlier to prevent these lines from forming. Botox can also be used for other cosmetic treatments that have nothing to do with wrinkles or lines, such as masseter reduction or hyperhidrosis treatment.

Botox Can Give You Botulism

Botox’s main ingredient is botulinum toxin A, which is one of the toxins that is created by the bacterium C. botulinum. While this bacterium is toxic in its natural form, the neurotoxin used in Botox is a purified form that is very safe in small doses. When it is injected into a targeted muscle, the neurotoxin is largely confined to that area. Even small children safely receive Botox injections for medical conditions like cerebral palsy and in much larger doses than used for cosmetic purposes.

The Injections Are Painful

While it does require a needle to deliver Botox to your muscles, it is not a painful treatment. The needles used for Botox injections are very fine and cause minimal discomfort. The injections may feel like a mosquito bite or small pinch, but most patients do not have any problems tolerating the injections. Once you see the results, you will likely be happy to endure a small pinch for the months of aesthetic benefits.

Botox Can Give You Droopy Eyelids

This misconception is partly true, but preventable. The exact placement of the injections of the neurotoxin is needed to provide relaxation of the muscles that cause the “11s” or frown lines between the eyebrows. If the injection is too close to the muscle that controls the upper eyelid, it could relax it and cause a droopy eyelid. Experienced injectors know how to avoid this side effect and target the exact muscles that affect only the glabella lines (11s). The droopy eyelid effect occurs most commonly in older patients receiving Botox for the first time, but it is usually avoidable.

One of the precautions that you can take to avoid the droopy eyelid effect is not to rub the area near the Botox injections. Manipulating the area may result in movement of the toxin to muscles that could affect other features, but this is only possible immediately after the treatment. Botox is quickly absorbed into the targeted motor nerve endings, which prevents it from moving to other areas.

Botox Has Uncomfortable Side Effects

Like most medications, Botox does have a list of possible side effects. However, these are rare, and most people have very few side effects if any. The most common effects are from the injections, which are swelling or bruising at the injection site. A small percentage of patients, an estimated 2-3%, may experience headaches after their treatment. Oddly enough, many more people enjoy the benefits of Botox for reducing migraine headaches, one of the many medical uses for Botox injections.

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Lines or Wrinkles Will Get Worse If You Stop Taking Botox

Botox works by relaxing muscles that cause lines or wrinkles in the skin. As the effects of Botox wear off, the lines and wrinkles will begin to appear again, but they will not be worse than before Botox treatment. In fact, relaxing the muscles and stopping the creasing of the skin can help slow down the creation of certain lines and wrinkles. There are many people who begin using Botox in “mini” doses at a younger age to slow down lines and wrinkles from forming on the skin.

Botox Is Addictive

While many people love the effects they receive from Botox treatments, it is not physically addictive. There is no evidence of any addictive properties in the medication, and you will not have a physical withdrawal if you stop receiving your injections. You may be disappointed when you see your lines and wrinkles reappearing after a few months, but this can be remedied if you decide to have another treatment.

Botox Is Only Used By Women

The thought that only women care about how they look is very outdated. All genders want to look their best and can benefit from cosmetic treatments like Botox. Frown lines can make your face look older or angry, not an effect that most people want. At Arcadia Wellness Center, we have individuals of all genders that seek Botox and many other cosmetic treatments to look their best at every stage of their life.

Botox and Facial Fillers Do the Same Thing

While facial filler and Botox injections can both be used for wrinkle treatment, they work very differently. Dermal fillers add volume under the skin, “plumping” under lines and wrinkles. Botox relaxes muscles that contract to create certain lines. Wrinkles that are static and not caused by muscle contraction are best treated with dermal fillers or laser treatments. Botox is best for dynamic wrinkles, such as crow’s feet, “11s” and worry lines.

Botox Is Too Expensive

Cost is relative and for some people, Botox may seem too expensive. However, in comparison to cosmetic surgery and many other cosmetic treatments, Botox is an affordable investment in your appearance. Many patients only need 1-2 treatments per year to maintain their results, especially after multiple injections. When you break down the price per month of results, it is a worthwhile cost for many people who want to look their best.

The Truth About Botox

Botox has been used for medical treatments since the 1980s and it has been safely used as a cosmetic procedure for over two decades. It is FDA-approved for many different uses, from frown lines and crow’s feet to hyperhidrosis, migraines, muscle spasms and much more. Any negative side effects are very rare, and most can be prevented by only using a reputable injector to perform your treatments.

If you are ready to explore the benefits of Botox, come see our experienced team at Arcadia Wellness Center. We have highly trained injectors and medical staff to ensure the safety of our patients. Call our office in Phoenix, AZ to schedule a Botox consultation today.

Melissa Rogers

Melissa Rogers