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The 9 Biggest Employee Shift Handover Mistakes You Can Easily Avoid

The 9 Biggest Employee Shift Handover Mistakes You Can Easily Avoid

Employee shift handover is a crucial step of the employee onboarding process that can greatly impact your organization’s performance.

Providing effective employee handover helps ensure that new hires are properly prepared and ready to hit the ground running when they start their new job. But it’s also something that many organizations struggle with, which is why we’ve put together this list of common mistakes you need to avoid in order to ensure your employee shift handover goes smoothly. From not making sure your new hires understand their responsibilities to fail to provide adequate training before they start their first day at work, read on for our top tips on how to get it right:

Mistake #1: Overlooking the Importance of a Shift Handover Checklist

Mistake #2: Failing to Share the Right Information

How should it be shared? Who needs that information, and when? How can you ensure they understand it as quickly and easily as possible, so they can act on it effectively? And how can you ensure they retain what they’ve learned—so they don’t revert back to old habits or default settings? These questions need to be answered when you’re trying to share information—whether it’s about a new process, policy or procedure, an important change in workflow, or an innovative product feature with which you want employees to become familiar. Mistake

Mistake #3: Not Having One Standard Format for Shift Handovers

A standard format for shift handovers is vital. It ensures that all employees know what to expect when they’re starting a new shift, and it reduces the chances of mistakes being made by either the employee or their manager. Having a formal process in place also helps you track how many shifts are handed over each month so that you can measure your progress over time.

Mistake #4: Poor Communication Between Employees

Communication between employees is one of the most important things you can do during a handover. Employees need to know what they’re doing and why they’re doing it, which means clearly communicating with each other.

This is one area where managers often fall short—or even worse, don’t even realize how important this aspect of employee shift handover automation really is! In fact, many managers fail at communicating with their own employees altogether! It can be hard for them because there are so many different levels of hierarchy involved:

Managers must also make sure that everyone understands the company culture and values, which means setting clear expectations around communication between employees as well as customers and suppliers.

Mistake #5: Lack of Control in Shift Handovers

When you’re handing over your team to someone else, it’s important to know what will happen. If you don’t, you can’t plan for how things might go wrong and how you’ll fix them. Here’s how to make sure that doesn’t happen:

Mistake #6: Too Many Different Locations for Shift Handover Reports

Regarding shifting handover reports, there’s only one place that makes sense: the same location where you store all of your employee’s timecards.

Why? Because if you have multiple locations for data storage, then you are moving away from a single system of record for payroll. This means that even if you have great employee management software already in place—and I know you do—if you don’t also have a single location for all employee timecard data, it will be much harder to manage and control your payroll costs.

Mistake #7: Badly-Timed Shift Handovers

If you’re not careful, your shift handover can be a major time waster. Here are some tips for avoiding this mistake:

Mistake #8: Ignoring the Roles and Responsibilities of Each Employee Type

When you have a new employee on the team, it’s important to make sure that their role and responsibilities are clearly defined. This will help facilitate smooth transitions and reduce the chance of any confusion or resentment.

Here are some tips for ensuring each role is covered:

Mistake #9: Not Training Your Team to Use Your New Standard Processes

This can be one of the easiest mistakes to avoid. If you have a solid standard staff shift scheduling software, it should take just a few days for your employees to learn and become familiar with the new processes.

You need to train your team on what they should do once they receive their handover report, but there are other things than just the document itself that are important as well:

Final words

We can’t stress enough how important it is to avoid these mistakes when it comes to shifting handovers. If you have a good standard format, your team can easily follow the process and understand what they are supposed to do.

You will also need everyone involved in your business to be on board with this change so that everyone knows exactly what is expected of them when working with others throughout the day. This goes for both new and existing employees who may not know about this new system yet!

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