Learning About Vitamin B12 Deficiency

There are a lot of things in life that people sometimes cannot avoid having and then there are things that with enough and proper effort, you can entirely avoid them. One of those things is Vitamin B12 deficiency. It’s a term not often encountered by people but you’re in luck because here is a guide for you about it.

What is Vitamin b12 deficiency?

As per its namesake, vitamin b12 deficiency is known as the lack of the vitamin b12 in the human body. It may seem like vitamin b12 deficiency is just something simple but the truth is that vitamin b12 is very essential to the body. After all, everything inside the human body has a purpose.

Vitamin B12 is a water soluble vitamin and can be found naturally in animal products like fish, meat, eggs, milk, poultry, and dairy products. Generally, it can’t be found in plants. This is why a lot of vegans, vegetarians, or people who don’t eat meat tend to show signs of b12 deficiency.

This is where the other source of the vitamin comes in. Those who don’t eat any of the animal products mentioned above tend to depend on the other source wherein they can get the essential water soluble vitamin: vitamin or dietary supplements and fortified foods like fortified cereals.

Who are at risk with B12 deficiency?

Vegetarians and vegans – Since the natural source of vitamin b12 are mostly from meat, fish, poultry, and basically animal food products, which they often avoid eating, this puts them at stake of developing the deficiency.

Pregnant lactating women who follow a vegetarian or vegan diet – While vegans and vegetarians are generally at risk for this, pregnant lactating woman may be at even more risk because vitamin b12 is transferred through the placenta and can be found in breast milk. This then reduces the already limited vitamin b12 reserves of the mother.

Those with pernicious anemia – People who suffer from pernicious anemia find difficulty in absorbing vitamin b12 in the gastrointestinal tract, making them as high risk of developing the deficiency.

How to avoid b12 deficiency

Eat animal food products – Mainly, you should eat fish, meat, eggs, milk, poultry, and dairy products. These foods offer the natural source of the vitamin

Take vitamin supplements – if you can’t eat the said foods, you can also use supplements in order to replenish you vitamin b12 reserves.

Melissa Rogers

Melissa Rogers