Climb Your Way To A Leaner You

You know when they say climb your way to success? This is one of those. This stair climbing machine benefits you with a lean muscle buildup and a stronger core. What am I talking about? The stair master machine, of course. The stair master machine is efficient at weight loss and will give you your desired body in no time.

“But my gym doesn’t have a stair master?” Fret not, because here you can shop for your very own stair master. At gym pros, you can learn about the wide range of different models and buy your very own step master.

Stepmaster workout

The step master workout helps you tone your lower body as well as your core. What’s great with the step master is you can play around with it more than any other machine, making your work out effective and fun. You have already mastered the art of treadmill and elliptical, now you can also conquer the step master and turn it into a work out you find best suitable for you.

The step master is easy enough to use, as climbing the stairs is a part of our everyday lives. However, there are still key factors to using the step master efficiently and effectively. First is you need to maintain your posture, having the right posture will help put strains on your glutes and hamstrings, this is where you want your muscle to be toned and not on your back. Second is to climb without holding on. You see those handles at the sides? Those are not for you to hold on; those are for lightly grasping if you feel a little off balance. Holding on to the railings will divert the strain on your body, making the muscles on your lower body not build at all. Lastly is to switch it up, now that you’ve mastered your position and have learned the right way to use the step master, it’s time for you to turn it into your machine. Walk backwards, climb two steps at a time, add weights, you do what you think will help you on your way to a fitter you.

Remember your heart

It’s important that we take into account our heart rate when we work out. Track your pre-workout, during workout and post workout heart rates, this way you’d know how much time it takes for your resting heart to alleviate and vice versa. You’d find out that as you workout more the recovery time will take shorter, with this fact you will be able to do more workout increasing your calorie burn which will result to more weight loss and more toned muscles.

Melissa Rogers

Melissa Rogers