What To Do When Arrested For Drug Offence In Toronto?

Soon after the declaration of the Safe Street and Communities Act, the Canadian Police has become stricter about resisting drug trafficking and consuming. The Controlled Drugs and Substances Act under the Criminal Code of Canada maintains the law in the country regarding the drug offence.

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If anyone is found carrying or trafficking Marijuana, Cocaine, Crack, Heroin, LSD, Mescaline, Barbiturates, Psilocybin, Amphetamines, Hashish, Anabolic Steroids etc, the police arrest him/her immediately. If the accused in found driving under the influence, along with the drug charges, the accused is also charged with DUI and impaired driving. This is the high time when Jeff Hershberg defence lawyer can arrive to be a saviour for the accused to get bail and not become the convicts.

Steps to do when arrested for drug offence—

If you or anyone of your closed relatives or friends is arrested for drug offence first of all, hire a Toronto criminal defense lawyer. Make sure that the attorney is a pro in dealing with the drug charges. Let the lawyer produce the bail plea and set you free temporarily from the jail/police custody. Often the drug offenders are taken straight to the jail.

Keep a cold shoulder to the interrogation. The police leave no chance to prove you guilty by constantly interrogating you with various questions. All they want is a statement depending on which the Crown can prove you a convict and the judge will give your sentence for years. Therefore, don’t say anything to the police until and unless the any of the popular Toronto Criminal lawyers take up your case and move ahead to present the bail.

A strong release plan is necessary when you are charged with drug charges. Let the Toronto criminal defense lawyer prepare a case that the professional can successfully present in front of the judge and prove all the allegations of the Crown to be wrong with some viable evidence that they will collect. With the help of the eye witnesses, the case can also be won.

It is the headache of the lawyers to think and plan. If needed, the criminal defence lawyer can advice you on “Surety”. Often the Canadian court grants the Surety- that means a civil jailor chosen from any of the family members that will keep an eye on the drug abuser every time.

The Toronto criminal law firm, fighting your case, makes sure that the drug charges may not hamper your reputation. At the same time, if you are young and aspiring to study abroad or move ahead for further studies in the foreign universities, the black spot of the case can destroy your career for some frolic you did under the influence.

Thus, appoint the most experienced drug offence lawyer from a reliable source so that the professional can take up the case and help you get released rather than being detained in the police custody.

Melissa Rogers

Melissa Rogers